Wednesday 6 May 2015

Dreams Can Come True

As a teen writer, I have dreams that I want to see happen. Lots of them. And when you have lots of dreams in your mind and all of a sudden, you start to worry about it all. That is what I am experiencing at the moment.

Not all of my dreams have relevance to writing and publishing. Those are too personal to talk about but I will share one thing that I want to see; me getting through the next two years at my College. I'm going on to do a BTEC in September in a subject that not a lot of girls pursue. It's not Construction but IT. My dream is to be successful in some form of IT and to do that, I need to learn the skills.

Some dreams in life you have to work for, you can do it if you believe and if you try. Do neither of these things and it will be a lot harder to reach.

Scarlett x

Tuesday 3 March 2015

My Plans

Yes, I have some plans to help me with my writing.

I have 60+ stories at the moment in various stages. 20 of them are completed in planning stage and I'm taking them one by one in a length order. So, the shorter stories are being written first and the longer ones last. I've split the stories into sets to help me. Stories included are Dark Streets (finally making a appearance after nearly a year out!) and a romance story inspired by me and my boyfriend's relationship called The Boy With Aspergers.

I'm incredibly excited to keep writing. Motivation is picking up quickly and I hope that it doesn't fade away any time soon. I'm excited for summer so I will have plenty of time for writing.

I've started my first LGBT story In The Band and it is already ranked in Short Story! A pleasant surprise :)

More soon!

Scarlett x

Monday 26 January 2015

Fresh Start!

Long time no blogging huh?

Well, I'm back! I no longer wanted to use my first blog so I decided to start afresh and here it is!

I've been through a lot recently and some of it has been quite tough. I appreciate your understanding at this time. I'm still trying to get back up but it is taking time.

Links to where you can find me are on the side. Check them out!

Scarlett x